Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Top Five Things on Sarah's Mind

(click on the photos to follow the links)


Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies


Awesome new blog!

Here's a sampling of her photos:

BEE-U-TEE-FUL! I just wish she sold them in bigger prints...


I love looking up when I stand under a tree


This is a neat idea I'll try myself; I already have the canvas, and I'll use paint and scraps of material and magazine cut-outs to say something special to me


Another cool site~so many cool people in this world!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How do Jamaicans say "YUM"?

I dunno, but this recipe looks amazing...

Jamaican Veggie Patties

Sounds yuppy and tofu-ish, but Thursday night is definitely going to be Jamaica night at the apartment. Sidenote: I want to be Heidi Swanson when I grow up.

Speaking of Jamaica...I've been watching Season Three of The Office :). Favorite quote EVER:

Michael: (talking about Andy) He's up in my bid-ness, which is ebonics for "being in my face and annoying the bajeezes out of me." I don't understand how someone could have so little self awareness.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cilantro Parmesan Brussel Sprouts

~15 Brussel Sprouts (a very large handful)
2T Parmesan Cheese (grated)
4 T Butter
Small handful Cilantro, barely chopped
1Tsp Salt

1. Cook brussel sprouts by placing them in boiling water for 3-5minutes, or until tender.
2. Remove brussel sprouts from boiling water, and slice in half.
3. Combine still hot brussel sprouts with parmesan cheese, butter, cilantro, and salt so that the butter melts and the toppings combine.
4. Serve hot and enjoy!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pop Quiz: How do You Get Rid of Guilt?

A) Do so much good it covers up the bad
B) Deny the existence of right and wrong
C) Nail your guilt to a cross with God


D) Get rid of God

If you're a NoToPope coalition member in Australia, you might choose D.