Thursday, April 2, 2009

Summer Bucket List

In honor of the beautiful weather we've been having lately, I decided to post my very own Bucket List--my list of things to do before summer kicks the bucket.

Here it is:

1. Chase wildflowers
2. Visit the beach
3. Float down the river
4. Can something (strawberries!)
5. Eat one of the South’s fabulous peaches, and let its juices run down my chin and arms
6. Go skydiving
7. Plant a (balcony) garden
8. Write a book
9. Design a website
10. Learn a foreign language (Spanish)
11. Road trip! Florida? Tennessee? The Grand Canyon? Europe!
12. Stand on top of a mountain (big or small)
13. Make my bedroom/bathroom an Oasis
14. Go camping (can be combined with #2)
15. Read a Russian novel (in English)
16. Find, buy, and use a Polaroid camera

Happy Almost-Summer!

oh yeah, and i got an early start on my's last summer's trip to the grand canyon!

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