Friday, February 6, 2009


Last night, I went to go meet a friend at Starbucks. After an incredible weekend at World Mandate, I was determined that if two little Iranian women could march up to armed Muslim guards and give them a message of God's love, I could give the same message to the nations of my own city. I got to Starbucks a few minutes before my friend and tried to share Jesus with the girl behind the counter, but somehow the words wouldn’t come. I sat down with my drink and caught the eye of the woman packing up her stuff at the table next to mine. Something inside said Go For It! "Hi," I said, "how are you! Can I ask you a question?" I asked her if she knew Jesus. She looked a little stunned and said she was Catholic, so I said "that's great. Do you have a deep relationship with Jesus, like, do you really know Him?" She explained there were times in her life that she had known Jesus like that, but felt she was currently in a desert. I hope she felt the compassion in my voice. I've been in the desert, too, and it's hard. I told her that, and I also said, "I just want you to know that Jesus loves you, and He sees you where you are. He notices you, and He cares for you so, so much." There weren't just tears in her eyes when I finished--she was really crying. She said, "thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me."

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I am so happy that I get to live with an amazing woman that God is using to bind the brokenhearted! ekplesso!!